
Average score 197 Reviews
Robin Flamant noted on Google

Classic japanese restaurant but tasty!

2 years ago
Robin Flamant noted on Google

Classic japanese restaurant but tasty!

2 years ago
Robin Flamant noted on Google

Classic japanese restaurant but tasty!

2 years ago
Robin Flamant noted on Google

Classic japanese restaurant but tasty!

2 years ago
Robin Flamant noted on Google

Classic japanese restaurant but tasty!

2 years ago
Jean Bex noted on Google

Very nice restaurant, the staff is very open to questions and request. We come here often when we want to enjoy a nice and reasonably priced Japanese experience

2 years ago
S798WPjeanl noted on TripAdvisor

Soirée très agréable. Malgré le monde, service prévenant et aimable. Nous apprécions beaucoup ce restaurant japonais bien tenu et les produits proposés sont frais, de grande qualité et fort goûteux. Prix corrects.

2 years ago
maxime_arbe noted on TripAdvisor

Je commande tout le temps un chirashi chez otakuni sur uber eat et je vous avoue que je ne suis jamais déçu. Portion genereuse, tranche bien coupée et entrée superbe. Je recommande fort!

3 years ago
Francine L noted on Yelp

Dropped in with a friend on a whim on a chilly January evening, and we were not disappointed! Almost everything comes with a soup and salad, and food came promptly. I ordered the assorted chirashi, which could have had a few more pieces of fish, and my friend got a set with some California rolls and a salmon and avocado tartare. The fish tasted fresh, and the restaurant had a steady flow of people. The bill even came with some sesame candy!

3 years ago
Roncallo P noted on Foursquare

Client régulier. J'ai bien du commander et manger sur place une bonne centaine de fois depuis son ouverture et je n'ai jamais été déçu ni même eu le moindre problème digestif. Poisson frais, produits bien travaillés, personnel agréable et efficace. Bref, le meilleur restaurant de japonais selon moi qui en plus est raisonnable niveau prix.

3 years ago

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